Sweet Basil - Cultivating and Harvesting

What’s Sweet Basil?
Sweet Basil is one of the most widely-used and popular of not only all the basil varieties but of all culinary herbs in general. It is a very tender and pleasingly aromatic plant with a sweet and spicy flavor that is perfect for savory dishes such as tomato sauce and pesto, as well as mixed in with salads. It generally will grow to be about 12 inches to 18 inches tall and the color of its foliage can be anywhere from green to slightly purple. Its leaves are fairly small, only getting up to about a half-inch size.
Cultivating your Sweet Basil
We at Golden Basil take pride in our status as a respected and trusted basil wholesale supplier and that is why we use air freight delivery to ensure the fastest and freshest delivery to all of our clients across the USA. Delivery will be made to most USA cities in one day. When an order is placed and payment has been either made in full or properly arranged for longterm clients, the order will be shipped out the very next day. We understand the value of ensuring the fastest delivery possible so as to maintain the freshness and quality of our product for all of our clients.

Time Period
It takes about 5 days to 7 days for a seed to properly germinate. If you are going to sow your seeds indoors with the intention of growing transplants that you can later bring out into the garden, you are going to want to give your plants about 3 weeks to 4 weeks before transplanting. You are also going to want to make sure you do not transplant them until frost is no longer going to be an issue outdoors, generally when the temperature of the soil is at least 60 degrees Fahrenheit or higher.
Optimal basil growth requires a very sunny location and soil that is fertile, having been properly supplemented with plenty of organic matter. Placing your basil plant in soil that is lacking in nutrients will decrease the growth of your basil plant and will also result in leaves that are lacking in flavor. Soil needs to be kept very moist, as basil likes to be kept with plenty of water. You can place your basil plants outdoors on the patio or arranged nicely in the garden both to maximize sun exposure and to give your yard some nice decoration.
Optimal basil growth requires a very sunny location and soil that is fertile, having been properly supplemented with plenty of organic matter. Placing your basil plant in soil that is lacking in nutrients will decrease the growth of your basil plant and will also result in leaves that are lacking in flavor. Soil needs to be kept very moist, as basil likes to be kept with plenty of water. You can place your basil plants outdoors on the patio or arranged nicely in the garden both to maximize sun exposure and to give your yard some nice decoration.

Harvesting your Sweet Basil
You can begin harvesting your basil plants as they are young by simply pinching the tips. Pinching the tips will not only yield you some Sweet Basil early on but will promote further growth for a very round and bushy plant. Once the plant gets a little bit larger, you can begin harvesting full leaves like the kind you would buy in the store or see at a restaurant. As far a flower buds, it is best to pinch them as soon as they appear, as allowing the flowers to blossom to any extent will greatly affect the taste of the leaves.